Study of the fatty acid composition of vegetable oils and oil extracts of pharmaceuticalby the methods of GLC and IRS

  • Olga V. Trineeva the senior lecturer to faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, the candidate pharm. sciences,Voronezh State University, Voronezh, email:
  • Alexey I. Slivkin the dean of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, the professor, manager of faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, the doctor pharm. sciences,Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Keywords: fatty acid composition of vegetable oils, oily extracts, trans-isomers of fatty acids, gasliquid chromatography, infrared spectroscopy.


Vegetable oils are known to be sources of ω-6 and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Adequate intake of food with Mr. Zion which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, increases the immune system, lowers cholesterol, increases the body's resistance to infections and colds, etc. In a healthy person the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 should be 10:1, and at violation of lipid -from 3:1 to
6:1. Currently polyunsaturated fatty acid ω-3 family officially recognized a minor component of the food set their physiological need, which in adults is 0.8-1.6 g/day. Bioavailability oil caused by the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in combination with antioxidants (tocopherols and carotenoids), which are rich in fatty oils. The most valuable product of processing sea buckthorn is sea buckthorn oil, which has many applications in medical practice due to the unique composition of biologically active substances. In the standard documentation provided the definition of the fatty acid composition as the criteria for evaluating the authenticity and purity of sea buckthorn oil. Oil extracts pharmaceutical use are not currently standardized for fatty acid composition. Behavior oil extraction the skin and their biological effect is largely determined by which fatty acids are included in the data lipids. Therefore, the actual study should be regarded as fatty acid composition, not only officinal vegetable oils for internal, external and injectable use, and oil extracts of pharmaceutical grade. The aim of the work was to study the fatty acid composition of vegetable oils and oil extracts pharmaceutical use (for example, sea buckthorn oil and oil extract of nettle leaves) with modern physical and chemical methods for the assessment of purity and safety applications.

GLC examined fatty acid composition of the objects under study. These results suggests the possibility of using sea buckthorn oil not only as a regenerator means, and for correcting disorders of lipid metabolism, since oil ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids, ω-6 to ω-3 (4:1) is in an optimal recommended physiological range. The oil extract studied by GLC and IRS identified in the "bad" trans-fatty acids. Method IRS can be used for rapid diagnosis of the presence of trans fats in vegetable oils and oil extracts of pharmaceutical grade.


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How to Cite
Trineeva, O. V., & Slivkin, A. I. (2019). Study of the fatty acid composition of vegetable oils and oil extracts of pharmaceuticalby the methods of GLC and IRS. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(2). Retrieved from