The features of vanillin and isovanillin sorption onto fibrous anion exchanger FIBAN A-1

  • Iraida V. Voronyuk Cand. Chem. Sci, Lecturer, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Anna V. Meshcheryakova student, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Tatiana V. Eliseeva Cand. Chem. Sci, Lecturer, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Alexander P. Polikarpov Cand. Chem. Sci, Head of the Laboratory of ion exchange fibers synthesis and properties study, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Email:
  • Alexander A. Shunkevich Cand. Chem. Sci, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of ion exchange fibers synthesis and properties study, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, е-mail:
Keywords: vanillin, isovanillin, sorption, fibrous ion-exchanger, equilibrium, kinetics, pH dependence


The kinetic and equilibrium features of vanillin and isovanillin sorption by strong basic anionexchanger Fiban A-1 in static conditions are determined. The equilibrium time in the system hydroxybenzaldehyde solution – sorbent has been measured. The analysis of kinetic curves for isomers sorption based on Boyd-Adamson kinetic model has been made, the mechanism of mixed diffusion has been established for vanillin and isovanillin uptake. The values of isovanillin extraction degree by anion-exchanger Fiban A-1 have been estimated at pH range 2-12. Based on the analysis of vanillin and isovanillin sorption isotherms, the polymolecular mechanism of sorbate uptake has been revealed. The equilibrium characteristics of hydroxybenzaldehydes sorption have been determined using the sorption models of Langmuir and BET.


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How to Cite
Voronyuk, I. V., Meshcheryakova, A. V., Eliseeva, T. V., Polikarpov, A. P., & Shunkevich, A. A. (2019). The features of vanillin and isovanillin sorption onto fibrous anion exchanger FIBAN A-1. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(4). Retrieved from