Physical and chemical properties and surface morphology of polyimides with palmitic acid molecular imprints

  • Olga V. Duvanova lead engineer, department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University; Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Svetlana A. Sokolova PhD in Chemistry, associate professor of Chair of Chemisrty Voronezh State Agriculture University; Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Ol’ga V. Dyakonova PhD in Chemistry, associate professor of Chair of Chemisrty Voronezh State Agriculture University; Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Alexander N. Zyablov Dr. Sci.(Chemistry), associate professor оf Chair of Analytical Chemistry Voronezh State University; Voronezh
  • Vladimir F. Selemenev Dr. Sci.(Chemistry), professor, head of Department of Analytical Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Oleg A. Kozaderov PhD, associate professor, physical chemistry department, chemical faculty, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, E-mail:
Keywords: polyimides, polymers with molecular imprints, palmitic acid, exchange capacity, degree of imidization, scanning probe microscopy.


This article is devoted to reseach of the physico-chemical properties and surface morphology of polyimides with palmitic acid molecular imprints. Polymers with molecular imprints (MIP) of palmitic acid on the basis of copolymers of RD (dianhydride diphenyloxide-3,4,3',4'-tetracarboxy acid and di(4-amino)phenyl ether of resorcinol) and DFO (dianhydride of diphenyloxide-3,4,3',4'-tetracarboxy acid and phenyl ether 4,4'diaminodiphenyloxide) obtained by non-covalent imprinting. The exchange capacity and the degree of imidization of the studied polyimides are determined by the method of direct potentiometric titration. It is established that almost all imidizated polymers, which were formed, have the degree of imidization from 96.1 to
98.6 %. The surface condition of the polyimide was researched by scanning force microscopy. The analysis of the surface morphology of palmitic acid MIP revealed the presence of pores of different shapes and sizes, which are located randomly or with a low degree of orderliness on the films surface.


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How to Cite
Duvanova, O. V., Sokolova, S. A., Dyakonova, O. V., Zyablov, A. N., Selemenev, V. F., & Kozaderov, O. A. (2019). Physical and chemical properties and surface morphology of polyimides with palmitic acid molecular imprints. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(5). Retrieved from