Sorption preconcentration of polar organic compounds from moist air with selective removal of water vapor

  • Oleg V. Rodinkov Dr.Sc.Chem., the professor of analytic chemistry department of chemical faculty, St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg,
  • Galina A. Zhuravljova the post-graduate student of analytic chemistry department of chemical faculty, St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg,
Keywords: sorption concentration, gas chromatography analysis, moist air, polar organic compounds, potassium fluoride.


It is known that water vapor present in the atmosphere has an adverse effect on sorption
extraction of analytes while determined by gas chromatography analysis. In the paper, a method of raising
efficiency of sorption concentration of polar organic compounds from moist air has been suggested.
Potassium fluoride is used as a selective sorbent of water vapor. As opposed to calcium chloride that is a
conventional dehydrating agent, potassium fluoride almost does not retain polar organic compounds.


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How to Cite
Rodinkov, O. V., & Zhuravljova, G. A. (2019). Sorption preconcentration of polar organic compounds from moist air with selective removal of water vapor. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(1). Retrieved from