Study of electrodialysis process for selective separation of mixed chloride/nitrate solutions

  • Stanislav S. Melnikov Ph.D., Kuban State University, Krasnodar; e-mail:
  • Victor I. Zabolotskii professor, chief of physical chemistry department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar,
  • Aslan R. Achoh Ph.D. student, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, e-mail:
Keywords: nitrate ions, electrodialysis, ion-exchange membrane, permselectivity.


A new heterogeneous anion-exchange membrane with a thin cation-exchange layer for separation of
mixtures containing nitrate and chloride ions was developed on the basis of MA-41 membrane.
Homogeneous cation-exchange film MF-4SK was used as a cation-exchange layer. The study of the
characteristics of the developed selective membranes in electrodialysis of solutions containing chloride and
nitrate ions. The masstransfer characteristics of the resulting membrane differs significantly from initial
membrane MA-41. When processing solutions containing both chloride and nitrate ions (chloride ions are in
excess of the nitrate ions in a ratio of 1.75:1) developed membranes show improved selectivity for nitrate
ions in a 1.5-fold compared with the original membrane.


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How to Cite
Melnikov, S. S., Zabolotskii, V. I., & Achoh, A. R. (2019). Study of electrodialysis process for selective separation of mixed chloride/nitrate solutions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(2). Retrieved from