HPLC of phenolic acids - antioxidants with amperometric detection

  • Alexander Ya. Yashin Dr.Sci. (chemistry), company “Interlab”. Research and Development group vice manager, Moscow
Keywords: Phenolic acids, antioxidants, HPLC, amperometric detector, voltamperograms.


Phenolic acids - derivatives benzoic and cinnamic acids, along with flavonoids, strong antioxidants.
They widespread in flora. Phenolic acids contain in foodstuff and drinks as antioxidants protect human from
dangerous illnesses and aging. One of the best methods of separation and determination of phenolic acids is
HPLC. As detectors are used UV, DAD, MS and amperometric. Last years the greatest interest causes
amperometric detector because of a low limit of detection (10-9 - 10-12g) and selectivity. In article data on
conditions of separation of typical phenolic acids - antioxidants, limits of their detection, voltamperograms
different phenolic acids and possibility of their determination in coffee, a rye, barley are showed.


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How to Cite
Yashin, A. Y. (2019). HPLC of phenolic acids - antioxidants with amperometric detection. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(3). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1512