Some aspects of ion-exchange recovery and clarification of the antibiotic polymexine B

  • Nataliya N. Kisil the candidate of chemical science, docent of the department “Biotechnology and technology of the products of bioоrganic syntheses” Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, E-mail:
  • Yuri A. Tyrsin the doctor of technical science, professor of the department “Biotechnology and technology of the products of bioоrganic syntheses” Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow
Keywords: polymexine, antibiotic, production, sorption, cationite, solution, eluate, dissalting, resine, ion-exchange process, recovery, decoloration.


The antibiotic polymexine is very effective antibiotic against many agents of a diseases, for gramnegative
infections so its industrial production too much important in our days. The subject of the article is
discussion of some aspects of ion-exchange recovery of the antibiotic polymexine which make difficulties
during its production in an industrial scale. Namely: a loss of the antibiotic activity during a clearing process,
a high foam-creating ability that has negative influence for vacuum-evaporation of its solution, a high
sorbtion ability of polymexine in the all sorbents which can clarify polymexine solutions, racemization and
an activity loss during heating process in the neutral and alkaline pH. And also some recommendations were
given for obtaining the antibiotic preparation with a high activity level and shortening the production process
stages. And it has been optimized the conditions of an ion-exchange purifying of polymexine on the
micropores sorbent.
For these reasons it has been investigated some sorption process of the peptidase antibiotic
polymexine on the carboxyl cationite IRС - 86 (Amberlite) in the Na+ - form and influence of the Ca2+- ions
on ion-exchange characteristics. It was established that a presence of calcium nearly twice decreases
polymexine sorption comparatively with a salt-free solution. It was confirmed that an osmosis mechanism of
sorption takes place and sorption depends on the ionite swelling. It was also proposed the ion-exchange
method of neutralization of the acidic eluate with simultaneous crystallization of polymexine-base between
the resin grains at the temperature 5-80C. It was investigated the clarification process of polymexine solution
on the ion-sorbent IA-4, the fractional composition of the clarified solution and of the the acidic eluate of
polymexine obtained on the resin IA-4. It has been proposed the method of utilization of the active fraction
by double clarification of the solution with high speed (2.5-3 volume/volume, hour) and returning the acidic
eluate obtained on IA-4 in the process.


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How to Cite
Kisil, N. N., & Tyrsin, Y. A. (2019). Some aspects of ion-exchange recovery and clarification of the antibiotic polymexine B. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(6). Retrieved from