The study of sorption of palmitic acid polymers based on imidizated polyamide acid

  • Irina A. Krivonosovа student department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University; Voronezh
  • Olga V. Duvanova postgraduate student department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University; Voronezh
  • Alexander N. Zyablov assistant professor Chair of Analytical Chemistry Voronezh State University; Voronezh
  • Alexander V. Falaleev Ph. D., Senior Researsech, Voronezh State University; Voronezh
Keywords: polyamide acid, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), palmitic acids, sorption.


Currently, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) may are used for problem solving the selective
sorption separation of organic substances. Therefore, the aim is to study the adsorption of palmitic acid by
molecularly imprinted polymers and comparison polymer. In the work were synthesized comparison
polymers and polymers with molecular imprints of palmitic acid. In the synthesis of MIPs had used
polyamide acid as a precursor. Study of adsorption of palmitic acid polymers based on polyamide acid
conducted at the facility with a conductometric detector in the on-line mode. From the obtained data were
built sorption isotherms, calculated distribution coefficient, the degree of extraction and imprinting factor
(IF=12,7). During the work it was found that the polymer with molecular imprints best absorbs palmitic acid,
which is caused by the presence in MIP centers complementary in shape and size of the template molecules.


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How to Cite
KrivonosovаI. A., Duvanova, O. V., Zyablov, A. N., & Falaleev, A. V. (2019). The study of sorption of palmitic acid polymers based on imidizated polyamide acid. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(6). Retrieved from