Mechanism of separation of strong electrolytes by ion-exchangers, based on electrokinetic exclusion of co-ions

  • Anatoly M. Dolgonosov Dr.Sci.(Chem.), leading scientific fellow, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
Keywords: acid retardation, exclusion of co-ions, Donnann effect, multi-species ion exchange kinetics.


This paper develops the phenomenon of co-ion exclusion at the Donnann barrier violence in ionexchanger
on base of difference in the solution composition and electrokinetic flux of mixture of its
components. Equations of equilibrium and kinetics of non-exchange process are deduced. It is shown that
the mass-transfer process one can describe with using the theory of multi-species ion exchange kinetics at
corresponding transform of the counter-ion characteristics, i.e. in a certain sense the mass-transfer in nonexchange
process is equivalent to mass-transfer in ion-exchange process. Quantitative parameters of the
phenomenon are depended on both electrolyte and ion-exchanger characteristics and dynamic mode of
contact of phases.


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How to Cite
Dolgonosov, A. M. (2019). Mechanism of separation of strong electrolytes by ion-exchangers, based on electrokinetic exclusion of co-ions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(5). Retrieved from