Mathematical modeling of the separation of acids and salts in the solution by sorption’s method of «retention acid»

  • Gleb B. Sidelnikov student, Moscow State University, Physical Faculty, Moscow
  • Nikolay A. Tikhonov Dr.Sci (Phys.,Math), Prof., Moscow State University, Physical Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Moscow
  • Ruslan Kh. Khamizov Dr.Sci (Chem), head of the Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKhI RAS, Mosсow
  • Anna N. Krachak Ph.D, Deputy head of the laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
Keywords: modeling, acid retention effect, the division.


Analysis of possible mechanisms of the effect of acid retardation is carried out with using the
method of mathematical modeling and experimental results on the separation of nitric acid and nitrates of
various metals from mixed binary solutions on the nitrate form of strong base anion resin. A method of
calculating the dielectric constant and the degree of dissociation of the electrolyte in the sorbent phase is
proposed. A mathematical model describing the existing experimental results is developed and the
contribution of different factors into capacity toward acids is estimated.


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How to Cite
Sidelnikov, G. B., Tikhonov, N. A., Khamizov, R. K., & Krachak, A. N. (2019). Mathematical modeling of the separation of acids and salts in the solution by sorption’s method of «retention acid». Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(5). Retrieved from