Exchange sorption and electrical conductivity of the heterogeneous anion exchange membranes in the mixed solution potassium hydro tartrate and tartrate

  • Ruslan Kh. Chermit PhD student, department of physical chemistry, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, e-mail:
  • Ekaterina V. Chermit student, department of physical chemistry, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
  • Margarita S. Degtyareva student, department of physical chemistry, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
  • Victor I. Zabolotsky Doctor of chemical sciences, professor, head of physical chemistry department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Keywords: ion exchange, membrane, sorption, selectivity, mobility, diffusion.


By using the modified method of determining sorption exchange tartrate and tartrate ion ion
exchange isotherms in a mixed system of strongly and weakly basic anion-exchange membrane / solution
HTr- + Tr2- at different pH values the equilibrium solution. The electrical conductivity of a weak base (MA-
40) and a strongly weakly-bonded membrane (MA-41P) was measured in the mixed and mono ionic forms.
Calculated mobility and the diffusion coefficients in hydro tartrate and tartrate forms studied membranes and
showed that the effect of correlations in the combined presence of both ions in the membranes was observed.
Found that the nature of ionic groups significantly affects the selectivity of ion exchange membranes and ion
mobility in them. Specific ion sorption of hydro tartrate ions by weakly basic anion exchange membrane
MA-40 due to the interaction of charged anions of tartaric acid with a weakly basic amine groups forming
undissociated compounds, for the same reason, there is a reduction of mobility hydro tartrate ions.


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How to Cite
Chermit, R. K., Chermit, E. V., Degtyareva, M. S., & Zabolotsky, V. I. (2019). Exchange sorption and electrical conductivity of the heterogeneous anion exchange membranes in the mixed solution potassium hydro tartrate and tartrate. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(5). Retrieved from