Extraction technologies for clinical HPLC analysis of serum corticosteroids

  • Alexei A. Dutov МD (clinical pharmacology), physician of the highest qualifying category (clinical laboratory diagnostics), Senior Research Fellow Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology, Research Institute of Medical Ecology of the Medical Academy, Chita. e-mail: dutovaa@yandex.ru
  • Denis A. Nikitin head of the laboratory of chemical analysis of the Zabaikalsky State University, Chita, email: nikitinnd@gmail.com
  • Anna V. Sverkunova Post-graduate student of chemistry the Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
  • Anastasia V. Martynova Post-graduate student Department of Chemistry Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
  • Olga N. Konovalova Post-graduate student Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
  • Ekaterina N. Fedorova Post-graduate student Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
  • Julia L. Lukyanova a physician ordinator Department of Neurology, Medical Academy, Chita
  • Alena V. Yermolina physician ophthalmologist Regional Hospital № 2, Chita
Keywords: cortisol, cortisone, secondary steroids, solid-phase extraction (SPE), hyper crosslinked polystyrene, HPLC.


The method solid-phase extraction (SPE) cortisol, cortisone and secondary steroids from human
serum for the subsequent analysis with conventional reversed-phase HPLC and UV detection is offered.
SPE on cartridges packed 30 mg hyper cross-linked polystyrene. Simplicity, reproducibility both
sufficient selectivity and sensitivity of a method, allow to use it in a clinical practice for diagnostics
congenital adrenal hyperplasia.


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How to Cite
Dutov, A. A., Nikitin, D. A., Sverkunova, A. V., Martynova, A. V., Konovalova, O. N., Fedorova, E. N., Lukyanova, J. L., & Yermolina, A. V. (2019). Extraction technologies for clinical HPLC analysis of serum corticosteroids. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(6). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1714