Oxygen adsorption on gold in potassium hydroxide solution

  • Tatyana G. Krashchenko engineer, Voronezh State University. 394006 Voronezh
  • Elene V. Bobrinskya PhD, lecturer, Voronezh State University. 394006 Voronezh
  • Alexander V. Vvedenskii PhD, professor, Head of Department, Voronezh State University. 394006 Voronezh, e-mail: alvved@chem.vsu.ru
Keywords: voltammetry, adsorption isotherm, gold, hydroxide-ion, IR-spectroscopy


The adsorption of oxygen-containing particles from potassium hydroxide solutions weres studied
at polycrystalline gold electrode. Five stable forms of oxygen has been determined as adsorption
− − ads Au OH , ads Au −O&H , ads Au −O&& and phase AuO and Au2O3. Stationary adsorption of
components are described by Temkin’s isotherm. The kinetics follows Roginski-Zeldovich equation.
Adsorption Ox,Red-transformations of oxygen in
Au,O&H | OH −; Au,O&& | OH − and Au OH O, & | &&systems are quasi-equilibrium.


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How to Cite
Krashchenko, T. G., Bobrinskya, E. V., & Vvedenskii, A. V. (2019). Oxygen adsorption on gold in potassium hydroxide solution. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(6). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1722