Reverse-micellar solutions investigations of AOT/isooctane/water and AOT/isooctane/water/Pd(NO3)2 as a precursor palladium nanoparticles by exclusion chromatography method

  • Kirill V. Ponomaryov the post graduate student of A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Oleg G. Larionov professor, the main scientific worker of A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Alevtina D. Shafigulina student, Federal government budgetary institution of higher education "Samara State University", Samara
  • Angela V. Bulanova professor, Federal government budgetary institution of higher education "Samara State University", Samara
Keywords: reverse micelles, gel permeation chromatography.


The method of gel permeation chromatography used to study the reverse-micellar solutions of
AOT/isooctane/water and AOT/isooctane/water/Pd(NO3)2, as microreactors for metal nanoparticles. The
possibility of detection of reverse micelles by gel permeation chromatography, and new data on physical and
chemical characteristics of reverse-micellar solutions and the behavior of such systems obtained.


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How to Cite
Ponomaryov, K. V., Larionov, O. G., Shafigulina, A. D., & Bulanova, A. V. (2019). Reverse-micellar solutions investigations of AOT/isooctane/water and AOT/isooctane/water/Pd(NO3)2 as a precursor palladium nanoparticles by exclusion chromatography method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(3). Retrieved from