Research by the method the simplex-trellised of planning of extraction by the zeolitic tufa of ions La, Pr, Yb from the mixed solutions

  • Bayarma V. Dampilova Engineer, postgraduate student, Geological Institut of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, е-mail:
  • Elvira L. Zonkhoeva Leading scientific employee, Geological Institut of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude
Keywords: modeling, sorption, zeolit, rare-earth elements.


Research by the method the simplex-trellised of planning of extraction by the zeolitic tufa of ions
La, Pr, Yb from the mixed solutions. The mathematical model which completely displays relative influence
of rare-earth elements in sorption process was saund and allows to predict optimum conditions of their
extraction by zeolitic tufa


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How to Cite
Dampilova, B. V., & Zonkhoeva, E. L. (2019). Research by the method the simplex-trellised of planning of extraction by the zeolitic tufa of ions La, Pr, Yb from the mixed solutions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(3). Retrieved from