Thermodynamic of adsorption alkylanilines on porous graphitic carbon Hypercarb under conditions of HPLC

  • Ekatenina A. Yashkina post-graduate student of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara
  • Dmitryi A. Svetlov Ph. D. in physical chemistry, the lecturer of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara
  • Elena N. Vasil’eva student of Chemical Engineering Faculty, Samara State Technical University, Samara
  • Sergey N. Yashkin Ph. D. in physical chemistry, the lecturer of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara
Keywords: high-perfomance liquid chromatography, the Henry region, porous graphitic carbon adsorbent Hypercarb, thermodynamic characteristics of retention, aniline derivatives, correlations «structureretention ».


Parametres of retention of methylanilines are defined experimentally under conditions of an
equilibrium liquid chromatography on a column with porous graphitic carbon adsorbent Hypercarb.
Experiment was spent in the field of extremely low concentration of adsorbate in eluent (the Henry region).
Dependence of parametres of adsorption on number and position of methyl groups in a adsorbate molecules
is established. Applicability of Abraham’s model of solvation parametres to the description of retention of the
investigated connections on surface Hypercarb from the environment of various eluent is shown. A number
of the laws connecting retention parametres of alkylanilines on graphitic carbon surface from liquid (HPLC)
and gas (GSC) of phases is received


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How to Cite
Yashkina, E. A., Svetlov, D. A., Vasil’eva, E. N., & Yashkin, S. N. (2019). Thermodynamic of adsorption alkylanilines on porous graphitic carbon Hypercarb under conditions of HPLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(3). Retrieved from