Component composition of the essential oil of Artemisia frigida from Krasnoyarsk region and of its individual fractions

  • Ekaterina S. Pushkareva aspirant SFU, Krasnoyarsk
  • Alexander A. Efremov professor, doctor of chemistry, head of the chromatographic analysis laboratory, Krasnoyarsk, е-mail: Aefremov@sfukras. ru
Keywords: essential oil, Artemisia frigida, component composition, method of chromato-vassspectrometry.


Component composition of essential oil of Artemisia frigida was investigated by method of
Chromato-Mass-Spectrometry (CMS). Essential oil contents at least 76 components, among which 74
components were identified, the percentage of which was more than 0,1% of whole oil. The main
components of the oil are camphor (49,89%), 1,8-cineol (8,99%), borneol (8,32%), bornyl acetate (2,54%),
α-fenchene (2,97%).


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How to Cite
Pushkareva, E. S., & Efremov, A. A. (2019). Component composition of the essential oil of Artemisia frigida from Krasnoyarsk region and of its individual fractions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(4). Retrieved from