Chromatographic properties of Аrbidol® and quantitative determination of it’s impurities by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography

  • Grigoriy B. Golubitckiy doctor of sciences (chеmistry), The leading chemist-engineer of new technologies departament of JSC “Pharmstandard- Leksredstva”, Kursk,. e-mail:
  • Aleksandr L. Kulikov The leading chemist of physical  chemical methods of analysis laboratory of new technologies departament of JSC “Pharmstandard-Leksredstva”, Kursk
Keywords: reversed-phase HPLC, Аrbidol® retention, alkaline mobile phase, foreign impurities, destruction products, raw material quality control.


The retention of Аrbidol® on chromatographic packings of different types by reversed-phase
HPLC was examined. The advantges of alkaline mobile phase were shown. The resolution conditions of
active substance, foreign impurities and destruction products were investigated. The method was worked
out for quantitative detemination of impurities and destruction products for raw material quality control at
pharmaceutical plant


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How to Cite
Golubitckiy, G. B., & Kulikov, A. L. (2019). Chromatographic properties of Аrbidol® and quantitative determination of it’s impurities by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(6). Retrieved from