Termodesorption mass-spectrometric investigation of isomeric derivatives of N-azoilmethylbenzoic asides
In the present work correlations between a fragmentation under electron ionization and formation of
intramolecular hydrogen bond (IHB) are considered. Four pairsg of isomric molecules in which one isomer is
able to formation IHB and another – is not able are considered. As objects of research derivatives Nazolilmetilbenzojnyh
of acids are chosen that is connected with discovering of medical properties of many
molecules of the given class. By method of thermodesobtion mass spectrometry with electron ionization it is
shown that formation of IHB change a fragmentation. Stability of a molecular ion under electronic ionization
of orto- substituted isomers higher, than of meta- and/or para- substituted because of formation of
intramolecular hydrogen bond
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