The method of quantitative determination of methanol and ethanol in industrial waste waters by GC / MTME with salting out by potassium carbonate

  • Sergey M. Volkov Deputy Director of Scientific Affairs of «Lucap» Ltd, Minsk, email:
  • Aleksandr N. Chernovets senior scientist of «Lucap» Ltd, Minsk, e-mail:
  • Sergey M. Leshchev Doctor of Chemistry Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Belarusian State University
Keywords: gas chromatography, capillary column, water, sorbents, potassium carbonate, micro tube micro extraction, methanol, ethanol, calibration.


The method of quantitative determination of methanol and ethanol in industrial waste waters is
proposed. Measurement is based on GC/FID determination of the estimated analyte with preliminary
concentration by the MTME method. Analysis is perforformed on the macro capillary column with polar
stationary phase. Sampling is based on the reversed diffusion concentration on the carbon molecular sieves
“Carbosieve™ III”. During the sampling salting out of the analytes by potassium carbonate was used for the
lowering of the detectable quantities. The method allowed the measurement of the determinated analytes
concentration in the range from 5 to 50 mg/l with relative uncertainty not more than 20%. The applying of
potassium carbonate as salting out agent allows to low the detection limit by factor 20


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How to Cite
Volkov, S. M., Chernovets, A. N., & Leshchev, S. M. (2019). The method of quantitative determination of methanol and ethanol in industrial waste waters by GC / MTME with salting out by potassium carbonate. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(4). Retrieved from