Properties of the composite materials on the base of perfluorinated functional polymers and polyaniline

  • Mariya V. Kolechko postgraduate student of physical chemistry department, Kuban state university, Krasnodar
  • Ninel P. Berezina Dr. Sc. Chem., professor of physical chemistry department, Kuban state university, Krasnodar
  • Svetlana A. Shkirskaya Cand. Sci. Chem, scientific researcher of physical chemistry department, Kuban state university, Krasnodar, email:
  • Sergey V. Timofeev Cand. Sci. Chem, head of department fluoropolymers “Plastpolymer”, Saint- Petersburg
Keywords: polyaniline, membrane, surface modification, sensor, pH, UV-vis spectroscopy.


The preparation conditions of the polyaniline layers formation on the surface sides of
hydrophobic uncharged fluorpolymer film F-4SF (Plastpolymer production, Sanct-Petersburg). Organic
solvents for the pretreatment of F-4SF are proposed, which permitted to carry out the synthesis of the
polyaniline layers by selfassembling on the inert support. It was shown, that the nanosized polyaniline
layers in the emeraldine form are characterized by hydrophilic, anion-exchange properties and high
sensibility and reversibility at pH-media changes. Membranes F-4SF/polyaniline may by use for the
creating of optical sensors, which work in the ultra-violet and visible spectra region


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How to Cite
Kolechko, M. V., Berezina, N. P., Shkirskaya, S. A., & Timofeev, S. V. (2019). Properties of the composite materials on the base of perfluorinated functional polymers and polyaniline. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(5). Retrieved from