Research of kinetics of joint sorption coper, barrium and yttrium ions in the phase of the cation (-exchange) resin CB-4p-2

  • Elena L. Nesterova The assistant to chair of the general and special chemistry of Tyumen state architecturally - building university, Tyumen, Email:
  • Lyudmila A. Pimneva The professor,, the manager of chair of the general and special chemistry of Tyumen state architecturally - building university, Tyumen
Keywords: kinetics of sorption, joint sorption of ions reaction constant, mutual diffusion, activation energy.


Regularities of kinetics joint sorption of copper, barium and yttrium ions on the cation(-
exchange) resin Сb-4P-2 in hydrogen and in ammonium forms was researched. Relying on the results of
experiments with interruption, lack of influence of initial solutions and velocity of mixer’s rotation on
exchange rate pore-diffusion kinetics character is established. By the results received coefficients of
mutual diffusion and activation energy of summery process are calculated


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How to Cite
Nesterova, E. L., & Pimneva, L. A. (2019). Research of kinetics of joint sorption coper, barrium and yttrium ions in the phase of the cation (-exchange) resin CB-4p-2. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(5). Retrieved from