Influence of synthesis conditions and thermal treatment on the properties of hydrated silica

  • Andrey B. Ilyin superior laboratory assistant, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow, e-mail:
  • Anna A. Lysova laboratory assistant with higher education, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Ekaterina Yu. Safronova Ph.D., research worker, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Ekaterina V. Kyznetsova superior laboratory assistant, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Andrey I. Svitanko superior laboratory assistant, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Dmitry V. Safronov laboratory assistant with higher education, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Svetlana A. Novikova Ph.D., research worker, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Yulia A. Karavanova Ph.D., research worker, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Sergey V. Kozlov superior laboratory assistant, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Aleksandr E. Baranchikov senior research worker, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
  • Andrey B. Yaroslavtsev Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Science, sector manager, N.S. Kurnakov institute of General and inorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow
Keywords: silica, nanoparticles, synthesis conditions.


The influence of synthesis conditions (solvent, rate and order of reagents mixing, precipitation
pH and ultrasonic treatment) and heat treatment on the properties, particles size and morphology of
hydrated silica had been investigated. It was shown that the particles size is much more influenced by the
rate of reagents mixing, rather than the precipitation pH. Heat treatment increases the specific surface area
of SiO2. The minimum particle size (5-10 nm) and maximum specific surface area (up to 800m2/g) were
obtained for silica precipitated at pH = 6


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How to Cite
Ilyin, A. B., Lysova, A. A., Safronova, E. Y., Kyznetsova, E. V., Svitanko, A. I., Safronov, D. V., Novikova, S. A., Karavanova, Y. A., Kozlov, S. V., Baranchikov, A. E., & Yaroslavtsev, A. B. (2019). Influence of synthesis conditions and thermal treatment on the properties of hydrated silica. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(6). Retrieved from