Upscaling of protein frontal chromatography processes on carboxylic monolithic media

  • Alexander A. Demin Doctor of Science, Head of Laboratory,Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, email:
  • Olga V. Ochkur PhD., Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint- Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Alexander T. Melenevsky PhD., Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Ekaterina N. Pavlova researcher, Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Elena S. Nikiforova researcher, Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg
Keywords: Adsorption, Ion-exchangers, Proteins, Monoliths, Chromatography.


Upscaling of frontal chromatographic processes using the monolithic 8 ml column on basis of
glycidylmethacrylate-ethylenglycoldimethacrylate (GMA-EDMA) copolymer was performed. By means
of carboxyimethylation of the polymer surface the cation-exchanger with the total exchange capacity 0.2
mg-equiv/g was obtained. Experiments with dynamic sorption of the model cytochrom c - BSA or
cytochrom c – fibrinogen mixtures showed the increase of the sorption selectivity for the larger proteins
in comparison to the monolithic 0.3 ml disks. Results obtained for the model mixtures were used in the
process of plasma proteins separation.


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How to Cite
Demin, A. A., Ochkur, O. V., Melenevsky, A. T., Pavlova, E. N., & Nikiforova, E. S. (2019). Upscaling of protein frontal chromatography processes on carboxylic monolithic media. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(1). Retrieved from