Application of ion-exchange for separation and analysis of various se-compounds in water extractions of plants and nutrition additives

  • Lidia N. Skvortsova Candidate of chemistry science, assistant professor of the chair of analytical chemistry of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, e-
  • Elza A. Zakharova senior researcher Laboratory of Microimpurities Tomsk Polytechnik University, Tomsk
  • Yana G. Zajika graduate student of the chair of analytical chemistry of Tomsk State University, Tomsk
  • Gulnara N. Karmushakova student of the chair of analytical chemistry of Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Keywords: selenium, ion-exchange, plant extractions, nutrition additives.


Retention processes of the organic forms of selenium on ion-exchanger resins were
investigated. Met-Se (Selene Methionin) was extracted on cation-exchanger KU-2-8 (H+-form) and
washed with NH4OH solution. Inorganic form of selenium (selenite-ion) was extracted on anionexchanger
AV-17-8, (Acetate-form). It was showed that HCl, HNO3, HClO4, NaCl solutions in different
concentration are effective eluents. Procedures of the ion-exchange separation of organic and inorganic
selenium for the subsequent determination by physical chemistry methods were developed. Procedures
were tested in the analysis of aqueous extracts of plants and biologically active additives by the methods
of inversion voltammetry and kinetic methods


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How to Cite
Skvortsova, L. N., Zakharova, E. A., Zajika, Y. G., & Karmushakova, G. N. (2019). Application of ion-exchange for separation and analysis of various se-compounds in water extractions of plants and nutrition additives. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(2). Retrieved from