Kinetics of swelling of granules of ionic and nonionic polymers in water-alcohol solutions

  • Oleg B. Rudakov, professor, head of the chair of chemistry of Voronezh state university of architecture and civil engineering, Voronezh, email:
  • Inga G. Kudukhova post-graduate student of the chair of chemistry Voronezh state university of architecture and civil engineering, Voronezh, email:
  • Lyudmila V. Rudakova, the senior lecturer of the chair of pharmaceutical chemistry of the Voronezh state medical academy, Voronezh
  • Nikolay B. Ferapontov, leading researcher of the chair of physical chemistry of the Moscow state university, Moscow, e-mail:
Keywords: swelling, the counteraction, polymers, a microphotography, ethanol, concentration.


By microphotographic method are studied kinetics and volume effects of swelling and the
counteraction of 20 nonionic and ionogenic polymeric granules in aqueous-alcoholic solutions at a room
temperature in a range of concentration of ethyl spirit of 0-96 mass. %.


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How to Cite
Rudakov, O. B., Kudukhova, I. G., Rudakova, L. V., & Ferapontov, N. B. (2019). Kinetics of swelling of granules of ionic and nonionic polymers in water-alcohol solutions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(4). Retrieved from