Distribution mechanism in gas-liquid chromatography including effect of macromolecule conformation rearranging under contact with adsorbate molecule

  • Anatoly M. Dolgonosov Dr.Sc.Chem., Lead. research sci., Lab. of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow, e-mail; amdolgo@mail.ru
  • Andrey G. Prudkovskiy Ph.D., Senior research sci., Lab. of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
Keywords: gas-liquid chromatography, adsorption, inter-phase distribution, macromolecule, conformational rearranging, inter-molecular interaction.


A theoretical approach for description of distribution mechanism of molecules in phases used in
gas-liquid chromatography is developed. It is shown that surface of the polymer phase is “bended” by
adsorbate molecule, and under certain conditions the mechanism of “absorption by a macromolecule” is
realized with dilution in liquid phase after that. This effect is conditioned by macromolecular
conformational rearranging on the surface of stationary phase and formation of spherical cavern about
adsorbate molecule in result of their sufficiently long time interaction


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How to Cite
Dolgonosov, A. M., & Prudkovskiy, A. G. (2019). Distribution mechanism in gas-liquid chromatography including effect of macromolecule conformation rearranging under contact with adsorbate molecule. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(6). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/2124