Geochemical barriers based on clinoptilolite-containing tuffs for solution of environmental problems

  • Valentina A. Nikashina PhD., senior researcher, Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow, е-mail:
  • Inna B. Serova scientific associate, Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Esfir M. Katz scientific associate, Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Nikolaj A. Tikhonov Dr. Sci. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Moscow
  • Mikhail G. Tokmachev PhD , M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Moscow
Keywords: environment, radionuclides, cliniptilolite-containing tuffs, geochemical barriers, eguilibrium and kinetic characteristics, mathematical model.


The anthropogenic accidents in the world (including underground emergency nuclear explosion
at the site «Кraton-3» (Yakutiya) resulted in significant environmental pollution by the radionuclides.
One of ways to solve this problems is the creation of "permeable reactive barriers" (PRBs). High
selectivity of the clinoptilolite-containing tuffs (CLT) towards Sr2+ and Cs+ radionuclides, the availability
and reasonable cost make conditional the advisability their use as PRBs. The scales of the ion-exchange
processes taking place on geochemical barriers dictate necessity of their mathematical modeling. In this
connection Sr2+ and Cs+ ion-exchange sorption on Khonguruu CLT (Yakutiya) from solutions of various
mineralization was studied in equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. The physical and mathematical
models of the dynamic ion-exchange process and also the computer program considering both structural
features of CLT (two- stages particle diffusion kinetics) and possible periodic interruptions of the process
were developed. It was calculated the breakthrough time of CLT as a geochemical barrier.


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How to Cite
Nikashina, V. A., Serova, I. B., Katz, E. M., Tikhonov, N. A., & Tokmachev, M. G. (2019). Geochemical barriers based on clinoptilolite-containing tuffs for solution of environmental problems. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(6). Retrieved from