Characteristics of the microspheres of the ash dog for their use as a sorbent

  • Aleksandra I. Fomenko Vologda State University, Vologda
Keywords: fly ash, microspheres, sorbent, water purification.


The physicochemical properties of aluminosilicate microspheres of fly ash (ash microspheres), isolated
by filtering clarified water taken from a thermal power plant brightener pond, were studied in order to
use them as a sorbent for purifying wastewater from various impurities.
To substantiate the possibility of using ash microspheres as a sorbent, their chemical and mineralogical
composition, chemical and mechanical resistance, specific surface area, sorption capacity with respect to
dyes сongo red and methylene blue are determined. The mineralogical composition of the microspheres was
obtained using X-ray phase analysis. Physical characteristics (equivalent grain diameter, heterogeneity coefficient), mechanical strength and chemical resistance indices of ash microspheres are determined according to GOST R 51641-2000 «Granular filter materials. General technical conditions». The specific surface area of microspheres is determined by methylene blue adsorption according to GOST 13144-79 (1999) «Graphite. Methods for determining the specific surface».
The studied material in terms of physical and chemical properties meets the requirements of GOST R
51641-2000 «Granular filtering materials. General technical conditions», is characterized by high chemical inertness and is effective for use, both as an independent sorbent and as a component in water treatment systems. The phase composition of the studied ash microspheres is represented mainly by the phase of mullite Al6Si2O13, a small content of the quartz phase SiO2 and X-ray amorphous glass phase. It is established that this material is an effective sorbent, both with respect to anionic and cationic dyes. The adsorption of сongo red and methylene blue from a solution on the surface of the microspheres is satisfactorily described by the Langmuir model. The limiting sorption capacity of the studied samples of ash microspheres with respect to Congo red and methylene blue dyes is determined by similar values.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra I. Fomenko, Vologda State University, Vologda

Dr. Sci. (Tech), Professor, Vologda State University, Vologda, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Fomenko, A. I. (2019). Characteristics of the microspheres of the ash dog for their use as a sorbent. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 19(6), 696-702.