About the using of chromatographic terms and concepts in the English language articles on the topic «Chromatography»
Chromatography has been actively developed and applied for the scientific research for over 100
years. The theme of the chromatographic lexics is of great importance for various areas of chemistry,
particularly for physical and analytical chemistry. Chromatography is used all over the world in the scientific research, industry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, forensic studies, environmental control etc. The universal language of the intercultural communication, the language of the internationally significant scientific publications, the so-called ‘lingua franca’, is English. In order to analyze the language picture of
chromatographers, the frequency of using of the main chromatographic terms and concepts in Anglophone articles in the area of chromatography has been investigated. The method of calculation has been based onthe statistical description of the number of terms used in the articles. The statistical data of the global citation database “Web of Science Core Collection” has been analyzed. The paper presents the description of the chromatographic term-system and the core terms. A term-system is an ordered set of terms with particular relations inside the system. Any term-system might serve as a basis for composing a dictionary or for the work of a scientific interpreter. The schematic description of the scientific picture that reflects the core of the linguistic consciousness of a chromatographer as a researcher has been proposed. The sense of a word or a term constructs a semantic net, which might serve as a basis of linguistic consciousness. The scientific picture of a chromatographer is reflected by the chromatographic vocabulary. In the other words, the studied terms and concepts let us virtually “construct” the scientific picture of a chromatographer, which reflects the (mental) lexicon and linguistic consciousness. The core (central) and peripheral scientific lexics permits a chromatographer to operate with all the all the necessary terms and concepts. The description of the vocabulary shows the structure of the science of chromatography. A scientific picture can be represented as a complicated many-layers model. The core of the linguistic consciousness reflects the objective experience of chromatographers, while the peripheral terms refer to more subjective scientific experience. Common language terms such as “mass”, “analysis”, and “determination” reflect the philosophic facets of a chromatographer’s scientific activity. The frequency of using of the main sub-sciences of chromatography - GC, LC, TLC - mentioned in the studied articles has been considered by the authors. This research is of interest for translation, as well as for reading and analyzing of scientific literature in the area of chromatography.
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