Some aspects of thermodynamics of ion exchange

  • Е. А. Карпюк Karpyuk Ekaterina A. – Doctor of Chemistry, Dozent. Department of Chemistry M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • В. А. Иванов Ivanov Vladimir A. – Doctor of Chemistry, Professor. Department of Chemistry M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, email:
Keywords: ion exchange, thermodynamics, equilibrium constant, thermodynamic functions.


The terminology used and recommended in thermodynamics of ion exchange is discussed. Attention
is drawn to the importance of informed choice of the concentration scales when determining the
thermodynamic characteristics. Also the reason is explained why the selectivity coefficients expressed
through the equivalent fractions of ions are not considered the thermodynamic characteristics. Also the
problems arising while determining the activity coefficients corresponding to components in the ion
exchanger, thermodynamic equilibrium constants and thermodynamic functions of ion exchange are
analyzed. Also attention is paid to analysis of those findings, which are usually made of the calculated
thermodynamic functions.


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How to Cite
Карпюк, Е. А., & Иванов, В. А. (2015). Some aspects of thermodynamics of ion exchange. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(1), 19-34.