Separation of fat-soluble vitamins D2 and E at the joint presence of TLC

  • О. В. Тринеева Trineeva Olga V. - the candidate pharm. sciences, the senior lecturer to faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh,
  • Е. Ф. Сафонова Safonova Elena F. - the candidate chem. sciences, the senior lecturer, manager of chair of pharmacy of postdegree formation of VGU, Voronezh
  • А. И. Сливкин Slivkin Alexey I. - the doctor pharm. sciences, the professor, manager of faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, the dean of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh
Keywords: tocopherol acetate, ergocalciferol, thin layer chromatography, fatty oils.


The work is dedicated to the development of methods for determining and division of fat-soluble
vitamins D2 and E by the method of TLC when present together. A study of the different elution systems,
constructed according to Rf values tocopherol acetate and ergocalciferol polarity eluent value intervals
defined polarity eluent in which the data are linear function. Based on the identified dependencies, the
possibility of a theoretical approach to the selection of the optimal conditions of chromatographic separation
of these substances in a thin layer at the joint presence. The developed method was tested on vegetable oil sea
buckthorn fruit. The technique can be used in the quality control of vegetable oils and oil extracts of
pharmaceutical and complex multivitamin preparations.


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How to Cite
Тринеева, О. В., Сафонова, Е. Ф., & Сливкин, А. И. (2018). Separation of fat-soluble vitamins D2 and E at the joint presence of TLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(1), 42-50.