Deep sorption demineralization of water for boilers with natural circulation

  • Л. Е. Цыганкова Tsygankova Lyudmila E. – professor, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Internatsyonalnaya St
  • В. И. Вигдорович Vigdorovich Vladimir I. – senior scientific, AllRussian Scientific Institute of Equipment and Oilproducts Application, Tambov, Е-mail:
  • Н. В. Шель Shel Natalia V. – professor, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov
  • И. В. Морщинина Morschinina Irina V. – post-graduate student, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov
  • М. Н. Есина Esina Marina N. – senior Lecturer, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
  • А. А. Урядников Uryadnikov Alexander A. – senior Lecturer, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
Keywords: sorption, glauconite, concentrate, calcium, magnesium, normative, hardness, boiler water, demineralization, step, time, equilibrium


Subject of scientific research is nature adsorbent glauconite. The aim of the present work is a study
of deep sorption demineralization of water for boilers with natural circulation by glauconite. The nature 95%
concentrate of the sorbent was preliminary was transformed into Na-form. Standard media were prepared by
a dissolution of fixed quantity of metal magnesium in HCl solution and anhydrous CaCl2. Then the solutions
were mixed in the necessary ratio. The concentrations of the components were determined by the
complexometric titration at all the stages of sorption. Application of the indicated sorbent permits an
achievement of total hardness of water no more than normative value of 0,015 mmol-equiv/L at the separate
and joint sorption of Ca(II) and Mg(II) cations from the chloride solution with the initial concentration
exceeding the normative permissible one by 25 times. In the presence of 10-3 mol/L NaHCO3, the purification
depth of 0,006 mmol-equv/L is achieved and Ca(II) cations are extracted from the solution up to depth, that is
less than 0,0025 mmol-equiv/L. When the NaHCO3 concentration increases by an order of value, the total
hardness remains near 0,005 mmol-equv/L and it is conditioned by Ca(II) cations with 40%, the rest is
determined by Mg(II) ions. The method is suitable for preparation of nutrient water for heat engineering


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How to Cite
Цыганкова, Л. Е., Вигдорович, В. И., Шель, Н. В., Морщинина, И. В., Есина, М. Н., & Урядников, А. А. (2018). Deep sorption demineralization of water for boilers with natural circulation. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(1), 85-93.