Piezoelectric sensors on the basis of molecularly imprinted polymers. Formation of the recognizing layers on surface of the sensors electrode

  • В. Н. Чернышова Chernyshova Veronika N. - student, Federal government budgetary of higher education «Lipetsk State Technical University», Lipetsk
  • Т. Н. Ермолаева Ermolaeva Tatyana N. – doctor of chemistry, professor, Federal government budgetary of higher education «Lipetsk State Technical University», Lipetsk, etn@stu.lipetsk.ru
  • Е. В. Чеснокова Chesnokova Ekaterina V. - student, Federal government budgetary of higher education «Lipetsk State Technical University», Lipetsk
  • О. И. Бессонов Bessonov Oleg I. – student, Federal government budgetary of higher education «Lipetsk State Technical University», Lipetsk
Keywords: piezoelectric sensor, molecularly imprinted polymers, recognizing layer, photopolymerization, electropolymerization, spin-coating, sandwich-casting, superficial imprinting, soft lithography


This article presents and discusses the results of using molecularly imprinted polymers as specific
recognizing materials in the pyezoelectric sensors intended for the detection micro- and macromolecules in
liquid solutions. The main attention was paid to considering the technology of the formation of the
recognizing MIP layer directly. In particular in more detail ways for the preparation of molecularly imprinted
films by the photopolymerization, electropolymerization, spin-coating and the sandwich-casting methods
were discussed. The influence on the nature of functional and cross-monomers, the initiator of
polymerization and the design of the template on the structure and the distinguishing properties of MIP films
is shown. When forming MIP films by the electropolymerization method, polymers on the basis of
polypyrrole, polyphenylenediamine and polythiophene, the synthesis of which is described in more detail, are
applied most frequently. The mechanism of imprinting template molecules in a polymer matrix is described.
Conditions for the electrochemical synthesis of thiophene derivatives with different structures, ensuring high
constants of re-binding the surface imprint and a high specificity of molecular recognition of the target
analyte are also discussed in detail. Also, modern methods of superficial imprinting were analyzed, in
Ермолаева и др. / Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 2015. Т. 15. Вып. 2
particular the method of soft lithography for the formation of the recognition layer for macromolecules and
bioanalytes was paid special attention to.


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How to Cite
Чернышова, В. Н., Ермолаева, Т. Н., Чеснокова, Е. В., & Бессонов, О. И. (2018). Piezoelectric sensors on the basis of molecularly imprinted polymers. Formation of the recognizing layers on surface of the sensors electrode. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(2), 151-167. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2015.15/265