Sorption of water-soluble vitamins in various sorbents

  • С. А. Рычкова Rychkova Svetlana A. – post-graduate student of department of Physical Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, e-mail:
  • С. Н. Ланин Lanin Sergey N. – Dr. Sci., professor, head of the laboratory of adsorbtion and chromatography Moscow State University, Moscow, e-mail:
  • А. Е. Виноградов Vinogradov Artem E. – Ph. D., Researcher of the laboratory of adsorbtion and chromatography Moscow State University, Moscow.
  • М. Б. Вирясов Viryasov Mikhail B. - Ph. D., Senior Researcher of the laboratory of adsorbtion and chromatography Moscow State University, Moscow.
  • И. А. Востров Vostrov Ivan A. – engineer, Moscow State University, Moscow
  • И. А. Шаталов Head of JSC “Portlab”, Moscow
Keywords: sorption, solid phase extraction, water-soluble vitamins, vitamins В1, В2, В3, В6, В12, high performance liquid chromatography, concentration, dynamic capacity of sorbent.


In connection with the problem of the analysis of vitaminised food and pharmaceutical products by
the reversed phase high performance chromatography , there were investigated the physico-chemical
regularities of adsorption of water-soluble b vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12) from model aqueous
solutions on the sorbents based on silica gel and supersewn polystyrene. From the dynamic output curves the
sorption capacity of sorbents with respect to each vitamin were measured. It has been shown that a
sufficiently high dynamic capacity in relation to water-soluble vitamins have sorbents on the basis of super
cross-linked polystyrene. In addition to the nature of the sorbent adsorption of the investigated water-soluble
vitamins is strongly dependent on the pH of the solution.


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How to Cite
Рычкова, С. А., Ланин, С. Н., Виноградов, А. Е., Вирясов, М. Б., Востров, И. А., & Шаталов, И. А. (2018). Sorption of water-soluble vitamins in various sorbents. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(2), 179-195.