On the mechanism of the process of deep washing of ion exchange filters

  • И. В. Комарова Komarova Irina V. – Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior researcher, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Н. К. Галкина Galkina Nadezhda K. – Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior researcher, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Г. И. Кузнецов Kuznetsov Gennady I. - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Physics Atmosphere, MSU, Moscow
Keywords: ion-exchange filter, washing, viscous liquid, laminar flow, Stokes’s approximation, velocity field, washing process retardation


It is offered the explanation of retardation of ion exchange filter washing from the remainders of the
regenerating solution. The process of filter washing includes two stages. The first stage of washing from the
main part of regenerating solution proceeds quickly, and the second stage of washing from the remainder of
regenerating solution proceeds much slower. The aim of the investigation was to give the physical
explanation of the washing retardation on the second stage. The offered explanation is based on the
computation of speeds of liquid stream near an ion exchanger bead surface in the Stokes's approximation.
The explanation was confirmed by the comparison of the theoretical results with the experimental ones. The
results would promote further improvement of mathematical model of ion-exchange filters washing and
calculation of technological schemes


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How to Cite
Комарова, И. В., Галкина, Н. К., & Кузнецов, Г. И. (2018). On the mechanism of the process of deep washing of ion exchange filters. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(2), 216-222. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2015.15/269