Acid-base and complexation properties of surface of the aminated carbons various types

  • Р. Р. Бикмухаметова Bikmukhametova Regina R. – student of physical and applied chemistry department of natural sciences faculty, Kurgan State University, Kurgan
  • А. В. Шаров Sharov Artyom V. – candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of physical and applied chemistry department of natural sciences faculty, Kurgan State University, Kurgan,
  • О. В. Филистеев Filisteev Oleg V. – candidate of chemical sciences, dean of natural science faculty, Kurgan State University, Kurgan
Keywords: activated carbon, the ionization constant, pK-spectrum, stability constant, the model of chemical reactions.


The purposes of this investigation – are synthesis of the carbon sorbents, containing connected with
each other amino and carboxyl groups, study of their protolytic properties and complexation. The synthesis
was carried out using sorbents surface build on the pre-aminated carbon «БАУ-А». The structure, the acidbase
properties and the complexation were investigated by IR spectroscopy, Boehm titration, potentiometric
titration and sorption experiments. The sorption relations was processed using known models.
The centers with pKa value of 3 and 4 was found on the investigated sorbents surface. This indicates
the presence of amino- and carboxyl groups associated with each other in α-position. The surface complexes
of the 1: 1 and 1: 2 detected when studying the copper (II), iron (III), cadmium (II) and manganese (II)
sorption. Conditional complexation constants of the investigated carbons with the manganese and the
cadmium ions is higher than that of the unmodified activated carbon. This enables us to apply these sorbents
for the metals extraction from solutions with low pH.


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How to Cite
Бикмухаметова, Р. Р., Шаров, А. В., & Филистеев, О. В. (2018). Acid-base and complexation properties of surface of the aminated carbons various types. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(2), 243-250.