Determination theaflavins in black teas of the different countries by HPLC method with amperometric detector

  • Alexander Ya. Yashin Company "Interlab", Moscow
Keywords: black tea, chromatography, amperometric detector, antioxidant activity, theaflavins, cat-echins, polyphenols-antioxidants.


The article compares the results of the analysis of theaflavin concentrations in black teas produced by different countries, i.e. its main manufacturers: India, Sri Lanka, China, and Kenya. The results were ob-tained by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with amperometric detection. The aim of such analysis was to assess the quality and to identify the country of origin of black teas. Theaflavins rep-resent biologically active polyphenols-antioxidants of black tea. They compete with the catechins of green teas in terms of antioxidant activity. Hence, both theaflavins and catechins protect humans against many dan-gerous diseases, including cardio-vascular, oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Black tea is the most common drink after water. 80% of the global population regularly drink black tea. In many countries, black tea is the main source of antioxidants in the human diet. The overview presents chromatography methods which can be used to determine theaflavins in tea. The study used the most well-known detectors: mass spec-trometry and diode-array. The article presents the antioxidant activity data for the studied black teas obtained by means of the amperometric method. Such measurements are the most precise as the detector can only rec-ord antioxidants, therefore, the total area of all chromatographic peaks can be a measure of antioxidant activi-ty. The concentrations of theaflavins in black teas produced by different countries assessed by the peak area are presented in the following order: teaflavin-3-gallate < teaflavin-3,3`-digallat < teaflavin < teaflavin-3`-gallate. The most antioxidant active are black teas from Kenya, India, and Sri-Lanka. It is not surprising that Kenyan tea takes such a high position as it grows in tropics in perfect conditions in terms of temperature, humidity, and the quality of volcanic soil. Kenya is the leading global exporter of black tea. The new data presented in the article will be beneficial for black tea consumers. It should be noted that according to the latest data black antioxidants mitigate the harmful effects of free radicals associated with oxidative stress. Moreover, it has been proved that black tea has a positive effect on intestinal microbiota and the better is the condition of intestinal microbiota the healthier is the person.


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Author Biography

Alexander Ya. Yashin, Company "Interlab", Moscow

PhD in Chemistry, Deputy Head of the R&D Department company "In-terlab", Moscow


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How to Cite
Yashin, A. Y. (2020). Determination theaflavins in black teas of the different countries by HPLC method with amperometric detector. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 20(2), 158-165.