Milestones in the history of science (for the 170th anniversary of ion exchange discovery and the 130th anniversary of electrodialysis)

  • Vladimir A. Shaposhnik Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Tatiana V. Eliseeva Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Keywords: ion exchange, electrodialysis, ultrapure water, electrodeionization, ecology.


The subject studied in this article is the history of the development of two important scientific fields
related to the use of special properties of polymer materials that are capable of ion exchange and are characterised by high electrical conductivity in swollen state and selectivity in relation to ions with a certain charge. The anniversaries of the discoveries of the ion exchange phenomenon and the method of electrodialysis are surprisingly interconnected. 2020 marks 170 years since the first publication on ion exchange and 130 years since the first patent in the field of electrodialysis. The goal of this work is to put an emphasis on general, psychological, and social atmosphere in which key discoveries were made in the specified scientific fields, and to show their successful development. 170 years have passed since ion exchange was discovered when the sorption of fertiliser by soil was being studied. The synthesis of cation exchange resins and anion exchange resins with high chemical stability and significant exchange capacity was revolutionary in the middle of the last century. They allowed creating a number of technologies for the separation of electrolyte mixtures as well as the mixtures of electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Ion exchange technology for obtaining ultrapure water for precise manufacturing was especially important. Further progress of ion exchange technology is hindered by the absence of effective methods of waste water regeneration. However, there are some developments in the field of reagentless regeneration and the use of non-regenerable sorbents. Ion exchange materials in the form of membranes are the main components of modern electrodialysis while granular ion exchangers are an essential
component of the hybrid method of electrodeionization. The method of electrodialysis emerged 130 years ago while attempting to solve the problem of purification of sugar syrups from magnesium and calcium carbonates. 80 years ago, an outstanding idea to alternate cation-selective membranes with anion-selective membranes during electrodialysis was suggested, although low selective membranes were used. Only after the synthesis of the membranes from synthetic polymer cation exchange resins and anion exchange resins this idea was implemented in the development of technologies for
the demineralisation of natural brackish water. The combination of ion exchange and electrodialysis generated a method of electrodeionization that allowed ultrapure water with reagentless regeneration of ion exchangers to be obtained and, correspondingly, with high environmental value.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir A. Shaposhnik, Voronezh State University, Voronezh

Dr. Sc., Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry Voronezh
State University, Voronezh, e-mail:

Tatiana V. Eliseeva, Voronezh State University, Voronezh

Ph. D., Ass. Prof., Head of Analytical Chemistry Department, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Shaposhnik, V. A., & Eliseeva, T. V. (2020). Milestones in the history of science (for the 170th anniversary of ion exchange discovery and the 130th anniversary of electrodialysis). Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 20(2), 305-314.