Electrosorption of cesium ions on activated carbon OKM-2

  • Р. Х. Хамизов Khamizov Ruslan Kh. – Dr. Sci (Chem), Chief of the Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Д. А. Свешникова Sveshnikova Dzhannet A. – Candidate of chemical Sciences, leading researcher, Institute for Geothermal Research of Daghestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Makhachkala, jannet49@yandex.ru
  • К. Ш. Рабаданов Rabadanov Kamil Sh. - Candidate of chemical Sciences, senior researcher, Analytic shared Centre Scientific Equipment of Daghestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Makhachkala
  • А. М. Амиров Amirov Akhmed M. – scientific researcher, Analytic shared Centre Scientific Equipment of Daghestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Makhachkala
  • М. М. Гафуров Gafurov Malik M. – Dr. Sci (Phys.-Math), Chief of Analytic shared Centre Scientific Equipment of Daghestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Makhachkala
  • К. Г. Кунжуева Kunzhueva Kamila G. - Candidate of chemical Sciences, scientific researcher, Institute for Geothermal Research of Daghestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Makhachkala
Keywords: electrosorption, cesium ions, activated carbon


In this paper the adsorption of cesium ions during the cathodic polarization of activated carbon
OKM-2 obtained by treatment with nitric acid solution has been studied. The studies of cesium
electrosorption were carried out in a cell with separated cathode and anode spaces. It is shown that this
activated carbon is efficient sorbent for removal from aqueous solutions cesium ions. It is revealed that
cathode polarization increases the OKM-2 sorption capacity by 60 percent. The Cs+
sorption value
dependences on the Cs+
ions concentration, the polarization current density and the solution temperature have
been investigated. It is found that electrosorbed Cs
ions affect the structural characteristics and thermal
stability of this activated carbon. In the presence of the electrosorbed Cs+
ions the specific surface and the
specific volume of mesopores decreases. The influence of background ions (K+
, Na+
) on the Cs+
electrosorption is detected.


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How to Cite
Хамизов, Р. Х., Свешникова, Д. А., Рабаданов, К. Ш., Амиров, А. М., Гафуров, М. М., & Кунжуева, К. Г. (2018). Electrosorption of cesium ions on activated carbon OKM-2. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(4), 478-485. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2015.15/296