Sorption of lanthanum, yttrium, ytterbium from mineral acids solutions with sulphocationite KU-2

  • Т. В. Конькова Kon'kova Tatiana Vladimirovna – PhD, Associate Professor of Technology of Inorganic Compounds of D. Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow
  • М. В. Папкова Papkova Mariya V. – a graduate student of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Technology of inorganic functional materials and products of D. Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow, Email:
  • А. И. Михайличенко Mikhaylichenko Anatoly I. – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of Technology of Inorganic Compounds of D. Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow
  • В. В. Туманов Tumanov Vladislav V. – a graduate student of the 1 year of the Faculty of Technology of inorganic functional materials and products of D. Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow
  • О. Ю. Сайкина Saykina Olga Yu. – a 4-year bachelor of the Faculty of Technology of inorganic functional materials and products of D. Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow
Keywords: : REE, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, ionic change, distribution coefficients, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.


Sorption of lanthanum, yttrium and ytterbium from solutions of mineral acids with sulfonic KU-2
was studed. The coefficients of distribution of rare earth elements during sorption of KU-2 from solutions of
mineral acids - nitric, hydrochloric and phosphoric was obtained. Determined that the equilibrium is reached
within 60 minutes of contact of the ion exchanger and the solution temperature does not significantly affect
the distribution ratio of the REE, which depends only on the nature of the REE. The experiments confirmed
that the strong acid cation resin KU-2 effectively absorbs the rare earth elements (REE), indicating that the
prospects of its use as a sorbent at extraction of REE from industrial wet process phosphoric acid.


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How to Cite
Конькова, Т. В., Папкова, М. В., Михайличенко, А. И., Туманов, В. В., & Сайкина, О. Ю. (2018). Sorption of lanthanum, yttrium, ytterbium from mineral acids solutions with sulphocationite KU-2. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(4), 515-522.