Enriched containing montmorillonite clay as a promising sorption active agent in the treatment of purulent and inflammatory wounds

  • М. В. Покровский Pokrovskii Mikhail V. – MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, «NIU» BelGU, Belgorod, e-mail pokrovskii@bsu.edu.ru
  • А. И. Везенцев Vesentsev Alexander I. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Chemistry, «NIU» BelGU, Belgorod, email vesentsev@bsu.edu.ru
  • А. А. Шапошников Shaposhnikov Andrei A. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, «NIU» BelGU, Belgorod
  • Хуан Хосе Гевара Guevara Juan Jose – post-graduate student, department of general chemistry, «NIU» BelGU, Belgorod
  • У. А. Круть Krut Uliana A. – post-graduate student, department of biochemistry, «NIU» BelGU, Belgorod
Keywords: sorption, specific surface area, enrichment, montmorillonite, septic wounds, X-ray fluorescence analysis


The purpose of the present study is to determine the impact of enriched montmorillonite clays on the
wound healing process of septic wounds of laboratory rats. In order to achieve the main objective a previous
analysis of the enriched montmorillonite clay from the region of Belgorod was made. The oxide and
mineralogical compositions were determined via X-ray fluorescence analysis and a energy dispersive
analysis; specific surface, specific volume and average pore size were determined via low-temperature
nitrogen adsorption method and the particle size distribution was measured by grain size analysis. The impact
of enriched montmorillonite clays on the efficiency of sorption of blood cells was determined by a
morphological analysis of blood of the laboratory rats.


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How to Cite
Покровский, М. В., Везенцев, А. И., Шапошников, А. А., Гевара, Х. Х., & Круть, У. А. (2018). Enriched containing montmorillonite clay as a promising sorption active agent in the treatment of purulent and inflammatory wounds. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(4), 541-548. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2015.15/304