Dynamics of oxygen redox-sorption by metal (Ag, Cu) – ion exchange nanocomposites during cathodic polarization

  • В. С. Горшков Gorshkov Vladislav S. – Ph.D., chair of physical chemistry of Chemistry department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. E-mail: vgorsh88@gmail.com
  • Д. Д. Вахнин Vakhnin Dmitry D. – the senior laboratory assistant of physical chemistry of Chemistry department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh,. E-mail: vakhnin.dima@rambler.ru
  • Л. Н. Полянский Polyanskii Lev N. – post-doctorate fellow of the chair of physical chemistry of Chemistry department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. E-mail: lev@protecgroup.ru
  • Т. А. Кравченко Kravchenko Tamara A. – Doctor of Science, professor of the chair of physical chemistry of Chemistry department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. E-mail: krav280937@yandex.ru
  • В. А. Крысанов Krysanov Vyacheslav A. – Ph.D., docent of the chair of physical chemistry of Chemistry department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh. E-mail: krysanov@chem.vsu.ru
Keywords: redox-sorption, molecular oxygen, nanocomposite.


The dynamics of molecular oxygen redox-sorption from water by granular layer nanocomposites
metal (Ag, Cu) - sulfo cation exchanger KU-23 cathodic galvanostatic polarization oxygen limiting diffusion
current mode is studied. The possibility of a stationary process is shown. Oxygen concentration in water at
the outlet of the granular bed of silver nanocomposite is close to the theoretically calculated by external
diffusion model, and for copper-containing nanocomposite oxygen concentration is lower due to the chemical
activity of copper nanoparticles.


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How to Cite
Горшков, В. С., Вахнин, Д. Д., Полянский, Л. Н., Кравченко, Т. А., & Крысанов, В. А. (2018). Dynamics of oxygen redox-sorption by metal (Ag, Cu) – ion exchange nanocomposites during cathodic polarization. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(6), 825-833. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2015.15/337