Study the composition of flavonoids fruits of sea buckthorn

  • И. Б. Перова Perova Irina B. - PhD (pharmaceutical sciences), researcher of the laboratory of metabolomic and proteomic analysis of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Moscow
  • О. В. Тринеева Trineeva Olga V. - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology of pharmaceutical faculty of VGU, Voronezh,. e-mail:
  • А. И. Сливкин Slivkin Alexey I. - doctor pharm. sciences, professor, manager. chair of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, dean of pharmaceutical faculty of VGU, Voronezh
  • К. И. Эллер Eller Konstantin I. - doctor of sciences (chemistry), professor, head of the laboratory of metabolomic and proteomic analysis of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Moscow
Keywords: profile of flavonoids, sea buckthorn fruit, HPLC with diode array and mass selective detectors, TLC.


Wild plants attract the attention of researchers because of their prospects in the manufacture of a
medicament of a wide spectrum of action. They are a rich source of biologically active substances such as
flavonoids, derivatives dihydroxyсoriches acids, iridoids, and other carotenoids. Fruits of sea buckthorn studied
in detail as a source of carotenoids and fatty oils. At the same time, relatively little is known about the
content and composition of flavonoids in fresh and dried fruit of sea buckthorn, which does not allow to evaluate
the contribution of this class of biologically active substances in the total biological activity of preparations
based on fruit sea buckthorn.
The content and profile of flavonoids of sea buckthorn fruits was investigated by using HPLC-DADMS/TOF,
TLC and differential spectrophotometry. The flavonolglycosides derivatives of quercetin, kaempferol
and isorhamnetin were found as the main flavonoids of sea buckthorn . The quercetin-3-rutinoside-7-
glucuronide was identified in sea buckthorn fruits for the first time.


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How to Cite
Перова, И. Б., Тринеева, О. В., Сливкин, А. И., & Эллер, К. И. (2018). Study the composition of flavonoids fruits of sea buckthorn. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(1), 87-93.