Synthesis and study of catalytical activity of shungite modified with copper nanoparticles

  • С. Д. Ярцев Iartsev Stepan Dmitrievich – PhD student of the 2d year, IPCE RAS, Moscow.
  • А. Л. Милюшкин Milyushkin Aleksey Leonidovich – PhD student of the 2d year, IPCE RAS, Moscow
  • З. Б. Хесина Khesina Zoya Borisovna –research engineer, IPCE RAS, Moscow
  • А. А. Ревина Revina Aleksandra Anatol’evna – professor, the chief scientific worker, IPCE RAS, Moscow
  • О. В. Суворова Souvorova Olga Valentinovna – scientific worker, IPCE RAS, Moscow
  • Франк Рёсснер Roessner Frank – Prof. Dr., Chair of Industrial Chemistry 2, Institute of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Carl v. Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Г. А. Петухова Petukhova Galina Anatol’evna – PhD, the head of the laboratory, IPCE RAS, Moscow
  • А. К. Буряк Buryak Aleksey Konstantinovich – Professor, the head of Laboratory of physical-chemical bases of chromatography and mass-spectrometry, IPCE RAS. Moscow
Keywords: shungite, copper nanoparticles, catalysis.


Carrying out a large number of processes in organic synthesis requires the use of expensive catalysts
based on palladium, gold, silver and other metal nanoparticles. Numerous studies have focused on a search of
systems that have a similar catalytic action, but lower cost. The development of catalysts based on various
carbon sorbents modified with copper nanoparticles seems to be promising. Natural mineral shungite is a
cheap and readily available raw carbon material, which occurrs only in Russia. This article focuses on the use
of shungite as a carrier for a catalyst based on copper nanoparticles.
A known method for the synthesis of nanoparticles in reverse micellar solutions was applied to the
synthesis of copper nanoparticles. A model catalyst, obtained by adsorption of nanoparticles from solutions
on shungite material, was studied in this work. The catalyst was characterized by electron microprobe analysis
and UV-visible spectroscopy. The activity of the catalyst obtained was evaluated by the model reaction of
primary amines with carbonyl compounds.


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How to Cite
Ярцев, С. Д., Милюшкин, А. Л., Хесина, З. Б., Ревина, А. А., Суворова, О. В., Рёсснер, Ф., Петухова, Г. А., & Буряк, А. К. (2018). Synthesis and study of catalytical activity of shungite modified with copper nanoparticles. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(2), 212-219.