Determination of furfural in ethyl alco-hol and vodka by gas chromato-mass spectrometry

  • Oleg B. Rudakov Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh
  • Natalya V. Shelekhova Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of Federal Research Center of Food, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow
  • Konstantin K. Polyansky Voronezh Branch of the Russian Economic Univer-sity named after G.V. Plekhanov, Voronezh
  • Vladimir F. Selemenev Voronezh State University; Voronezh
Keywords: furfural, ethanol, alcoholic beverages, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.


The article presents an express method for the determination of furfural in rectified ethyl alcohol, distillates, and vodkas using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The study is aimed at solving the problem of improving the analytical quality control of alcoholic beverages. The GC-MS method is becoming one of the main instrumental methods used in accredited analytical laboratories for the identification and quantitative determination of the content of harmful impurities in food products. The development of a set of certified methods for performing measurements on gas chromatography-mass spectrometric equipment is an urgent task. Furfural is a toxic compound, its minor amounts are typical for cognac spirits, however, its presence in drinking ethyl alcohol is not permitted. The effect of the temperature of the evaporator and thermostat, the flow rate of the carrier gas and the volume of the injected sample on the course of the chromatographic process was studied. As a result of planning the experiment, the optimal modes were selected for the determination of furfural in model solutions in a short time – 5 min. The developed method does not require any special preparation of samples. The method was tested on real products – rectified alcohol from food raw materials (GOST 5962-2013) and samples of vodka purchased from retail chains. For the experiment on the quantitative determination of furfural, the gas chromatograph was calibrated by the absolute calibration method using
3 levels of the prepared model solutions corresponding to the beginning, middle, and end of the measurement range. The developed method for the determination of furfural using GC-MS can be recommended for metrological certification and implementation in the analytical practice of specialized laboratories.


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Author Biographies

Oleg B. Rudakov , Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh

Dr. Sci (Chemistry), head of Department of chemistry and chemical technology of materials of Voronezh state technical University, Voronezh, e-mail:

Natalya V. Shelekhova , Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of Federal Research Center of Food, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow

Dr. of technical sciences, head of the Laboratory of chromatography, Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of Federal Research Center of Food, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow, e-mail:

Konstantin K. Polyansky , Voronezh Branch of the Russian Economic Univer-sity named after G.V. Plekhanov, Voronezh

Dr. of technical sciences, professor of the Department of Commerce and Commodity Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Voronezh Branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Voronezh

Vladimir F. Selemenev , Voronezh State University; Voronezh

Dr. Sci (Chemistry), professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh


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How to Cite
Rudakov , O. B., Shelekhova , N. V., Polyansky , K. K., & Selemenev , V. F. (2022). Determination of furfural in ethyl alco-hol and vodka by gas chromato-mass spectrometry. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 21(6), 812-818.