The use of polyelectrolytes for determining the concentration of sucrose in solution by the optical micrometry method

  • Ivan S. Shchemelev Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Anastasiya V. Staroverova Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Alexander V. Ivanov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Nikolay B. Ferapontov Moscow State University, Moscow
Keywords: optical micrometry, polymer sensor granules, determination of sucrose.


The aim of this study was the development of a kinetic method for the determination of sucrose concentration by optical micrometry for the rapid analysis of sugar-containing food products. The objects of research were the strongly acidic cation exchanger KU-2×4 and the weakly acidic cation exchangers KB-2e-3 and KB-4p-2, taken in different ionic forms. The experiments were carried out in static cells on aqueous solutions of sucrose with concentrations of 100.0 g/cm3, as well as 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mol/dm3. Over the course of the experiments, the dependence of the shape of the kinetic curves on the nature of the counterion, polymer matrix, and crosslinking reagent was obtained. It was found that cation exchangers in Ca2+ forms possess the highest sensitivity to sucrose. In this case, the KB-2e-3 cation exchanger demonstrated the optimal rate of change in the degree of swelling in the initial section of the kinetic curve, which is important from the point of view of minimizing the error in the method for determining the concentration. The most important factor, from the point of view of analytical chemistry, is the initial portion of the kinetic curves, which has a characteristic extremum, the shape of which is determined by the nature of the sensor polymer, solvent, and solute. For the assessment of the sensitivity of the method, the dependences of the depth of the minimum on the concentration of the sucrose solution were obtained. Based on the value of the standard deviation of the V/V0 measurement, which was 0.01, it was found that the detection limit of sucrose in aqueous solutions using KU-2×4 was 0.18 mol/dm3, the detection limit using KB-2e-3 was 0.10 mol/dm3. Therefore, for the analysis of aqueous solutions of sucrose, the most preferable is the use of KB-2e-3 in the Ca2+ form. Thus, it has been shown that there is possibility to determine the concentration of sucrose in aqueous solutions by optical micrometry using the kinetic swelling surfaces of polyelectrolyte granules. Nevertheless, the problem of the selectivity of the method remains unsolved. The search for new polymer sensor granules for the determination of sucrose and other sugars by optical micrometry in honey, confectionery, dairy products, beverages, etc. continues.


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Author Biographies

Ivan S. Shchemelev , Moscow State University, Moscow

PhD student, the Analytical Chemistry Division, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, E-mail:

Anastasiya V. Staroverova, Moscow State University, Moscow

student, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Moscow

Alexander V. Ivanov , Moscow State University, Moscow

grand PhD (chemistry), associate professor, Analytical Chemistry Division, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Researcher of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Nikolay B. Ferapontov , Moscow State University, Moscow

grand PhD (chemistry), leading researcher, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Moscow


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How to Cite
Shchemelev , I. S., Staroverova, A. V., Ivanov , A. V., & Ferapontov , N. B. (2022). The use of polyelectrolytes for determining the concentration of sucrose in solution by the optical micrometry method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 21(6), 841-849.