Multi-component diffusion mass transfer in nonselective IEX matrices with the noval displacement effect (NDE) for the concentration waves of the components – diffusants

  • Anatoliy I Kalinitchev Doctor Habilitat (Phys. Chem.), principal investigator, Institute for Phys Chemistry and ElectroChemistry named after acad. A.N. Frumkin. RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Keywords: multicomponent, nonselective, ion exchange(r), mass transfer, partial differential equations, mass balance, computerized modeling(simulation), concentration waves, Noval Displacement Effect (NDE), wave concept (W )


There is presented the computerized modeling for the Diffusion Multicomponents (i=1A; 2B;3C)
Mass Transfer (MMT) kinetics in the classical nonselective IEx Matrices. The Noval Displacement Effect
(NDE) for the Xi(distance,Time)-concentration waves propagating in the IEx matrix is determined. The
-concept is presented here for the Xi-concentration waves of the i-components-diffusants which
propagate (with multicomponent {DA,DB,DC}-diffusivities) inside the nonselective IEx matrices. The NDE
effect described is possible only for the definite conditions pointed in the last part of the publication (S.5,6).
In the result of the computerized simulation of the ternary (R_1A)resin/(2B + 3C)solution IEx Diffusion
MMT there is demonstrated visually and obviously the Noval Displacement Effect (NDE) inside the r-bead
&ro-fiber matrices of the nonselective IEx resin for the distance-time behavior of the two invading XC,XBconcentration
waves of the i=2B,3C-components. The initial loading of the r-bead; ro-fiber of the IEx matrix
is composed by the first (1A+
)-component-diffusant. There is demonstrated the non-monotonic behavior of
the kinetic FB(T)-curve with the availability of the kinetic maximum- FB
max as the consequence of the NDEffect
for the interactive X3C,X2B-concentration waves which diffuse in the IEx r(ro)-matrices.
The original author’s visualization method is used for the NDE description with the two «coupled»
Figures, namely the pair of Figs. : [left -{Xi}|{Fi}-right] arranged «in line&abreast». The «coupled» pictures
examples are presented visually in S.3. In this cases the {Xi}-concentration waves (left) are arranged «in
line&abreast» with the {Fi}-kinetic curves (right). Such new author’s method of the «coupled Figures»
namely: «left -{Xi} | {Fi}-right « plays the crucial role in the demonstration of the NDEffect for the diffusion
IEx MMT in the non-selective ion exchangers.


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How to Cite
Kalinitchev, A. I. (2018). Multi-component diffusion mass transfer in nonselective IEX matrices with the noval displacement effect (NDE) for the concentration waves of the components – diffusants. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(2), 323-346.