The use of microemulsions for the extraction and simultaneous pre-concentration of benz(a)pyrene in soil

  • Мончжу Чжан Mongjoo J.- graduate student, Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Н. Г. Толмачева Tolmacheva Nataliya G. – graduate student, Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, e-mail:
  • А. В. Пирогов Pirogov Andrey V. – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • О. А. Шпигун Shpigun Oleg A. - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow.
Keywords: benz(a)pyren, microemulsion, high performance liquid chromatography


Microemulsions of different composition were used for the extraction of benz(a)pyrene (BaP) from
several types of soils with subsequent decay of the microemulsions, simultaneous pre-concentration of BaP
in organic layer and following HPLC determination. Decomposition of ME was performed by addition of
calcium chloride and precipitation of poorly soluble calcium dodecylsulfate. ME have high ability to dissolve
both hydrophylic and hydrophobic substances at the same time. At destruction of ME on two phases – organic,
so-called "oil", and water are formed. Hydrophobic compounds are going to the oil phase and can be concentrated
due to decrease of total amount of solvent. Such approach allows to lower significantly limits of the
detection and to reduce errors of the determination. Sample pretreatment takes about 15 minutes that by 3-4
times faster than in the existing techniques. Dependences of extent of concentrating of BaP in an organic
layer after decomposition of ME vs structure of ME are studied (nature and concentration of со-surfactant,
the nature of oil and conditions of decomposition - temperature and time). It was found that using of ME with
of 3% of SDS, 0.8% benzene and 6% i-pentanol results in the greatest extent of concentration of BaP in an
organic phase after decomposition of ME. The ME was used through the work. It is shown that at time of
extraction of 10 minutes and addition of 40 ml of ME to 2 g of the soil the extent of extraction reaches the
maximal value.(in range of 92 - 102% and slightly depends on type of soils). The limit of the detection of
BaP was 0.1 microgram/kg of soil.


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How to Cite
Чжан, М., Толмачева, Н. Г., Пирогов, А. В., & Шпигун, О. А. (2018). The use of microemulsions for the extraction and simultaneous pre-concentration of benz(a)pyrene in soil. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 358-365.