Efficiency of active carbon adsorptive purification of wastewaters from territory of coke-chemical manufacture

  • В. Н. Клушин Klushin Vitaly Nikolaevich – professor, doctor of technical sciences, professor of of MUCTR, Moscow
  • Е. В. Зенькова Zenkova Elena Vasilevna – post-graduate of MUCTR, Moscow, E-mail: zenkova-elena@yandex.ru
  • Н. П. Зубахин Zubakhin Nikolay Petrovich – chief of the Production engineering department of Moscow Coke-Gas Works, Vidnoe
  • Г. М. Семенов Semenov Gennadiy Mihailovich – professor, doctor of technical sciences, professor of of MUCTR, Moscow
  • А. С. Осипова Osipova Anastasia Sergeevna – student of MUCTR, Moscow
  • А. С. Шабалина Shabalina Aleksandra S. – student of MUCTR, Moscow
Keywords: waste, active coals, specific surface, porosity, waste water, organic pollutants, adsorption


The porous structure and the adsorptive properties of the DPU active coal received by pyrolysis and
the subsequent steam-gas activation from the formed granules of raw paste − a product of mixture of flour of
the wood-shaving plate (WSP) with vitriolic solution of waste soft polyurethane foam (PPU) are characterized.
Technical characteristics of DPU coal are compared with those of coals of domestic industrial production
of the BAU-A, AG-3, SKT brands and MeKS. Volumes mesoporous and mesoporous of the DPU active
coal are estimated with attraction of the BJH method and Dubinin-Radushkevich's equation respectively in
relation to balance of low-temperature adsorption / desorption of nitrogen, at 77 K and the relative pressure
of R/Ro from 0 to 1, to RHTU studied with attraction of the automatic analyzer of a specific surface and porosity
of Gemini VII of Micromeritics firm (USA). Rational conditions of processing of the called drains at
intensity of hashing, the corresponding Rem = 5 · 105
, a dose of adsorbent of 1 g/dm3
and duration of contact
of phases of 25-30 min. In comparable conditions efficiency of cleaning of organic pollution of sewage from
the territory of coke-chemical production of JSC Moscow Coke and Gas Plant is revealed by the called active
coals. Results of studying of the processes realized by intensive hashing of grains of adsorbents with waste
water and filtering of the last through a stationary layer of these grains have stated high competitiveness of
DPU coal in the solution of a problem of her deep cleaning with a possibility of dumping into reservoirs of
fishery use. Efficiency of use for the solution of a problem of removal from the called drains of organic impurity
of BAU coal at hour contact of phases extent of cleaning about 53.6 %. Coals of the SKT and AG-3
brands are more effective, providing with the same duration of processes approximately identical residual
concentration of organic carbon at the level of 9 mg/dm3
(extent of cleaning about 80 %). The best results are
shown by the DPU coal settling the absorbing ability to half-hour contact of phases, leading to the residualcontent of organic carbon 0.9 mg/dm3
and showing extent of cleaning about 97.8%. A little surpassing these
results are provided by use of the MeKS coal having considerably sizes of volume of micropores, big in
comparison with DPU coal (on ~ 45-70 %) and a specific surface (on ~ 51-97 %). Adsorptive ability causing
the same duration of interaction of phases provides about 98.8 % cleaning. Realization of receiving the DPU
active coal in factory scales can promote the solution of a triune problem of extension of the nomenclature of
carbon adsorbents, effective involvement in production of goods of the MSW components and reductions of
negative impact of the last on environment. 


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How to Cite
Клушин, В. Н., Зенькова, Е. В., Зубахин, Н. П., Семенов, Г. М., Осипова, А. С., & Шабалина, А. С. (2018). Efficiency of active carbon adsorptive purification of wastewaters from territory of coke-chemical manufacture. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 407-413. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2017.17/394